Monday, March 27, 2017

Sarasota Circus on Valentines Day, Biking Ft Desoto, Ringling Museum, February 28th Update

Our friends Roger and Kathy from Michigan were in the area visiting. On February 27th we spent the day at the Ringling Museum followed with dinner at Barnacle Bills. It was so good to see them. Bill and Roger have bicycled many, many miles together over many years.

Special memories.

More pictures yet to be uploaded.

Our friends, Sue and Richie from Michigan were staying in St Petersburg area so they came over to visit us Wednesday afternoon. We had a great time catching up and playing a game of Euchre. I forgot to take pictures. It was so good to see them.

A picture of the 4 of us tailgating at the MSU Spartan football game in October 2016.
Go Green!!!

On Tuesday, the 21st we met with our new friends, Jeff and Deb from Wisconsin at Ft Desoto county park. It is on an Island off St Petersburg. There is 10-15 miles of paved biking trails, as well as a Historical Fort with a museum, a campground and a few beaches.
We biked 10-12 miles and toured the Fort followed by dinner at another Billy's Seaside (Seafood) restaurant.

More pictures yet to be uploaded.

Our friends,Ted and Kathy from Michigan were staying in the area. We had a nice visit with them at our home followed by dinner at The Beachhouse. It was so good to see them.


We had wonderful seats for the Sarasota Circus on Valentines Day.
Such amazing talent and strength. This was one of the best circus we've been to. Although I missed seeing the elephants & tigers.

Pictures yet to be uploaded.

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